Today a poster in a school room caught my eye. It wasn't of a kitten dangling from a tree, or of a boat sailing above an inspirational quote. The poster featured a cartoonish rendering of the Alamo and the words to one "Texas Pledge." Astounded, I asked my co-workers if they knew about this craziness. "Yes," they replied. "The kids say it every day!" I shook my head.
The words to the Texas pledge of allegiance are:
Honor the Texas flag;
I pledge to allegiance to thee, Texas,
one state under God,
one and indivisible.
(The God part, if you're keeping track, was added two years ago, to "acknowledge our Judeo-Christian heritage" and "the presence and influence of God" in the U.S.)
I am surprised I haven't yet heard a recitation of this pledge, in school or at the rodeo. I am intrigued to see if everyone takes off their cowboy hats to say the pledge, and if it's appropriate to shout, "Yeehaw!" at the end.