I guess we're already doing that in Texas, Gov. Perry? The new superintendent of HISD is quoted as saying, “If our standards are that much better, why don't we get in there and convince everyone else in the nation to rise to our level?” The School Board was set to vote last night on "the consideration of value-added data in personnel decisions" (i.e., TAKS scores tied to teacher evaluations). Many Texas teachers groups seemed to be against Race to the Top for fear of this kind of evaluation. However, it seems to be the wave of the future -- like it or not.
Education Week just released their Quality Counts study on education in America. In 19th place, Texas received a C+ as its overall grade. Within that grade, the study awards grades in the areas of Chance-for-Success; Standards, Assessment, and Accountability; K-12 Achievement; Transitions and Alignment; The Teaching Profession; and School Finance. Texas received a D+ in that last category. Perhaps we should be quoting another 'N Sync song from 2000, "It Makes Me Ill."
I'm looking forward to meeting more youngsters, so that I can be dazzled and inspired... and so that I can continue to use the phrase, "Back in MY day..."
Wish us luck! Happy New Year!