Garrett and I returned to the Texas Renaissance Festival, this time on Halloween.
Garrett disguised himself with a dashing cloak.

My Waldo costume was a hit! As an adult, I have never received so much positive feedback on a Halloween costume. People shouted at me, "Hey! I found you!" or "Have you seen Waldo?" Some comments were disappointing (i.e., "You're the third Waldo I've seen today!") or sexist ("Are you Waldo's girlfriend?"). The comments did wear thin as the day went on, but all in all I was just pleased that people recognized me. Garrett observed, "I guess we have disproven the notion that it is hard to find someone in a crowd wearing a red-and-white striped shirt." Indeed!

The best part of the day was the people-watching. Or monster-watching.
We took in a very entertaining fighting competition. The actors battled it out using a variety of medieval weaponry and dirty jokes. Oh, those codpieces!

Where's Waldo? Hint: She's carrying a bottle of mead!
The pirate hanging out in the second-floor shop window found Waldo.
We concluded the day with the jousting tournament. We sat in the winning section -- Spain!
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