It's that time of the year again, when every Houstonian dusts off his cowboy hat and boots and the trailriders make their way into the city on their horses. It's the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo!
Garrett and I joined another couple this weekend for the rodeo "pre-party." Next to a carnival of enormous proportions lies the World's Championship Bar-B-Que Contest. This is a sea of more than 400 tents, wherein various restaurants, individuals, and teams compete for a variety of BBQ trophies. Garrett was so excited to go, as someone who starts drooling at the mere mention of a pulled pork sandwich.
We were disappointed to learn upon arrival, however, that the average Billy Joe Bob who pays his $10 admission fee is admitted to only two tents! At the "Chuckwagon," the public can enjoy a free sandwich, baked beans, and chips. The "barbeque" sandwich, though, tasted more like the Sloppy Joe found in your local cafeteria. At the Hideout, Billy Joe Bob can drink overpriced alcohol. The remaining 431 tents are PRIVATE parties, which you may attend by invitation only. There wasn't even a stand where we could purchase some samples of these award-winning dishes. With no personal connection/hook-up, we spent most of the night wandering around, sipping beer, looking at tents, and breathing in the aroma of barbecue. We also enjoyed a nice funnel cake. Disappointed, we didn't even stay for the live music events.
The highlight of the evening was stumbling upon this tent, where whole pigs were being roasted on spits. We caught this chef putting an apple in the pig's mouth. Too bad there wasn't an accompanying spider web advertising, "Some pig!"

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Nice blog hog!
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