Friday, July 23, 2010

These are the objects in my neighborhood

On a walk yesterday, Garrett and I discovered this casa, decked out to celebrate Spain's victory in the World Cup.

On an unrelated note, I purchased a field guide to trees about three months ago. Since then, Garrett and I have been becoming experts on the flora in our little Houston jungle. I admit it is a nerdy hobby, but I find it very rewarding! It's like our own little CSI. We get quite excited when we solve the riddle that is an unknown tree. So far, we have identified more than 30 types of trees!

This tree is one of my favorites, because it is so unusual! It is a Northern Catalpa, also known as a Cigar Tree.

The leaves can grow up to 12 inches long, and the podlike capsule that contains its seeds can grow up to 20 inches long!

Wish us luck as we continue our identification endeavors! We hope we can leaf our mark on Houston.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Even Garrett gets the blues

In a fit of creativity and good ol' hard work, Garrett recently made himself a cigar box guitar!

He turned a corner of our apartment into a workshop.


Next project -- learning how to play it!