Thursday, October 2, 2008

The truth stings

We recently asked university maintenance services to examine the air conditioning unit in our bedroom. It has been smelling a bit odd, and when we looked closely at the inside we saw dark spots that we suspected might be mold. Today a couple guys came by for an inspection and a cleaning. While they did not find mold in the unit, guess what surprising item they DID find?
a) Sarah Palin's missing cue card
b) a pot of gold
c) an economic bailout plan
d) a wasps' nest
Extra credit if you can guess where they put it after they found it!


Unknown said...

the freezer?

Amanda, Ben and Harper said...

I'm going with "B," and for my extra credit, I'll say an FDIC insured savings account. Yeah, just increase the limits you say are covered, and people's mistrust of our banking system will melt away.
Seriously, though... Where? I like Swearen's answer.
Oh, and you confused a wasp's nest for mold??? So much for all that book learnin'!


Kristin said...

He put the wasps' nest in the trash can in our kitchen! Good thing Garrett was home at the time to take out the trash.