Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Clap your hands say yeah

The state of Texas has a preschool curriculum, which makes for great pondering. One language arts task that children (4 year-olds, mind you) are expected to master by year's end is clapping out syllables. Maybe I just missed that day at Teachers College, but I am perplexed as to why this is important in life -- for any person, let alone a preschooler.

Top 10 Reasons a Preschooler Should Learn to Clap Out Syllables:
10) To improve phonemic awareness.
9) To write haikus.
8) To be able to clap along during those wild and crazy Raffi concerts.
7) To be an award-winning square dance caller.
6) To impress grown-ups at cocktail parties.
5) To secure a spot at Harvard.
4) To become a cheerleader. (Bring it!!!)
3) To flamenco while on spring break in Spain.
2) To summon butlers and other servants.
1) To master the slow, sarcastic clap.

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